List of Journals subscribed

List of Journals subscribed

  1. ACTA Mathematica
  2. Advances in Applied Probability
  3. Advances in Mathematics
  4. American Journal of Mathematics
  5. American Mathematical Monthly
  7. Annals of Applied Probability
  8. Annals of Probability
  9. Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics
  10. Annals of Mathematics
  11. Annals of Statistics
  12. Anziam Journal
  13. Arkiv for Mathematike
  14. Asian Journal of Mathematics
  15. Biometrics
  16. Biometika
  17. BIT
  18. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
  19. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
  20. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin
  21. Canadian Journal of Mathematics
  22. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
  23. Communications in Statistics
  24. Compositio Mathematica
  25. Computational Statistics
  26. Differential and Integral Equations
  27. Differential equations and dynamical systems
  28. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
  29. DUKE Mathematical Journal
  30. ERGOTIC theory and Dynamic Systems
  31. European Journal of Applied Mathematics
  32. Fluid Dynamics Research
  33. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics
  34. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
  35. Indagationes Mathematicae
  36. Indian Journal of Mathematics
  37. Indiana University Mathematical Journal
  38. International Journal of Reliability Quality & Safety Engineering
  39. International Statistical Review
  40. Inventiones Mathematicae
  41. Israel Journal of Mathematics
  42. Journal D’Analyse Mathematique
  43. Journal of Algebra
  44. Journal of Algebraic Geometry
  45. Journal of Applied Probability
  46. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
  47. Journal of Cryptology
  48. Journal of Differential Geometry
  49. Journal of Engineering Mathematics
  50. Journal of Fluid Mechanics
  51. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
  52. Journal of Functional Analysis
  53. Journal of Indian Association of Productivity Quality & Reliability
  54. Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University
  55. Journal of Multivariate Analysis
  56. Journal of Number Theory
  57. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
  58. Journal of the American Mathematical Society
  59. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
  60. Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society
  61. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics
  62. Journal of the London Mathematical Society
  63. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan
  64. Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan
  65. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – Sec.B
  66. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – Sec.C
  67. Mathematical Gazette
  68. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
  69. Mathematical Reviews
  70. Mathematics Magazine
  71. Mathematics of Computations
  72. Mathscinet(Under Consortium Plan)
  73. Mechanics Research Communications
  74. Metrika
  75. Michigan Mathematical Journal
  76. Osaka Journal of Mathematics
  77. Opsearch
  78. Pacific Journal of mathematics
  79. Physics of Fluids
  80. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
  81. Proceedings of the Japan Academy (A+B)
  82. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
  83. Nagoya Mathematical Journal
  84. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
  85. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
  86. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics
  87. Regular & Chaotic Dynamics
  88. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
  89. Russian Mathematical Surveys
  90. Sankhya (A)
  91. Sankhya (B)
  92. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
  93. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics
  94. SIAM Review
  95. Statistica Sinica
  96. Statistical Science
  97. Statistical Theory and Methods Abstracts
  98. Statistics and Probability Letters
  99. Studia Mathematika
  100. Studies in Applied Mathematics
  101. Topology Proceedings
  102. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
  103. ZAAM
  104. ZAMP